
Doa dan Puasa,mengampuni, Renungan Harian, GIDI




Papua New Guinea


West Papua

"Salin, - The Way of the Future"

There is no story in this world and I have never found in the news that "there is a person, there is a tribe, or a nation that fights God until God is defeated, falls. NEVER, what exists is that there are people who fight God or God until that person suddenly dies, that's what we see,  
Although in Papua there are many challenges, obstacles, suffering, threats to the Papuan nation, our pastors preach about love, forgiveness and peace in the pulpit of the church but the actions of the field are different. 
Therefore we Papuan Church Council, Papuan indigenous pastors, STT students, Papuan youth forum with our people go down the road of the cross because:
1.The cross is a place of peace
2. The cross is the salvation of human life.
3. The cross is a meeting place
4. The cross is a place of openness
5. The cross is a place of forgiveness
6. Salip is a place of acceptance of differences
7. The cross is a place of renewal.
Without the cross we are at a dead end 
The presence of the Pope in Indonesia is part of world peace. 
Therefore, we, the Church in Papua, together with the people, demand that the UN HIGH COMMISSIONER for Human Rights immediately come down to see this situation in Papua.

Papa bilong mi, papa bilong mi

“Papa bilong mi, papa bilong mi. Yu strongpela man bilong helpim Israel, olsem ol hos na karis bilong pait.” 2 King 2:12b. 
His return to be with the Lord signifies dawning of a new day in the Spiritual realm with Agape Love. Opening another window for empowerment in the same spirit that used Elisha. Tears of sorrow and joy fill the same eyes..

Tidak ada yang dapat menghilangkan kami dari tanah suci dan rumah kami

Tidak ada yang dapat menghilangkan kami dari tanah suci dan rumah kami tanah Papua Barat. Tuhan kami ada bersama kami di tanah Papua Barat. Tulang belulang dan roh leluhur kami, orang tua kami, ada di Tanah Papua. 

Tuhan, leluhur, nenek moyang, dan orang tua kami, mereka tidak pergi jauh, mereka selalu bersama kami. Karena tanah Papua Barat adalah rumah kami, Taman Eden kami. Tuhan memberkati Tanah Papua dan memberi kami tempat hidup dan tinggal di tanah Papua dan Dia memberikan kami tanggung jawab untuk menjaga tanah Papua. "Tuhan mengambil manusia (baca: 'Papua') itu dan menempatkannya dalam taman Eden ('Taman Papua'), untuk mengusahakan dan memelihara taman itu" (Kejadian 2:15).

Yang memberikan Tanah Papua kepada leluhur kami adalah Tuhan. Leluhur dan nenek moyang kami dan orang tua kami pernah memelihara dan mewariskan Tanah Papua pada kami. 

Mereka meminta kami menjaga, memelihara rumah ini, bukan merusak atau bukan menjualnya. Papua adalah tanah suci dan tanah harapan masa depan anak dan cucu kami. Tanah Papua adalah ibu kami, Mama kami, hidup kami. Tanah Papua adalah tabungan masa depan anak cucu kami. 


Ita wakhu purom 16 Agustus 2024


Adam = umat manusia
Set = ditetapkan
Enosh = mortal/mati
Kenan = menderita
Mahalalel = Terang Allah
Yared = akan turun
Henokh = mengajar
Metusalah = kematian-Nya akan mendatangkan
Lamekh = putus asa/hilang harapan
Nuh = penghiburan dan istirahat
Sem = kemasyhuran
Arphaksad = benteng pertahanan Babel
Kenan = penderitaan
Sela = meluas seperti tanaman
Eber = melebihi tempat
Peleg = pembagian
Rehu = teman
Serug = bercabang
Nahor = amarah
Terah = dengan kegeraman
Abram = Bapa yang mulia
Abraham = Bapa banyak bangsa
Ishak = tertawa
Yakub = memperdayai lawannya
Israel = Dia yang bergumul dengan Allah
Yehuda = Dia yang memuji YAH
Peres = mendobrak jalan
Hezron = area yang dikelilingi tembok
Aram = sangat tinggi
Aminadab = umat-Ku milik raja
Nahason = nabi
Salmon = berpakaian
Boas = dengan kekuatan
Obed = yang melayani
Isai = di sini
Daud = Yang Dikasihi
Salomo = pembayarannya membuat damai
Rehabeam = membebaskan umatnya
Abia = Bapaku YAH
Asa = sang penyembuh
Yosafat = dia yang YAH hakimi
Yoram = dia yang YAH bangkitkan
Ahazia = YAH memegang
Yoas = YAH itu kuat
Amazia = YAH yang perkasa
Uzia = kekuatan dan pertolonganku dalam YAH
Yotam = YAH itu sempurna
Ahas = aku memegang
Hizkia = kekuatan YAH
Manasye = itu membuat lupa
Amon = sungguh
Yosia = YAH menopang
Yoyakim = YAH bangkitkan
Sealtiel = aku bertanya Allah
Zerubabel = keturunan di Babel
Abihud = Bapaku penuh keagungan
Elyakim = Allahku akan membangkitkan
Azor = penolong
Zadok = dia yang benar
Akhim = dia yang YAH teguhkan
Eliud = Allah adalah pujianku
Eleazar = Allah adalah penolongku
Matan = kiranya pemberian
Yakub = Israel
Yusuf = bertambah-tambah
Imanuel = Allah bersama kita
Yesus = YAH adalah keselamatan kita

Bila nama-nama ini digabungkan menjadi kalimat, mulai dari Adam sampai Yesus, pesan itu dapat dipahami sebagai berikut:

Umat manusia ditetapkan mati binasa menderita, tapi Terang Allah akan turun mengajar bahwa kematian-Nya akan membawa yang putus asa dan hilang harapan mendapatkan pen

Statement on the ‘Question of New Caledonia’ to the Special Committee

Statement on the ‘Question of New Caledonia’ to the Special Committee on the Situation with regard to the implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence of Colonial Countries and Peoples
United Nations Headquarters - 10 June 2024

The chair, members of this august committee, petitioners and observers. 

Greetings from the Pasifika Household of God. May the grace and peace of God be upon you all. 

In June, 2022, I was here as a Petitioner on behalf of faith and civil society organisations of our Pacific region, home to the French colonised territories of Kanaky New Caledonia and Maohi Nui French Polynesia, to raise our concerns on the failure of the referendum process in Kanaky under the Noumea Accord, through the actions of the French Government to fast track the 3rd referendum, despite local, regional and global pleas. 

In the two years since, France has taken further actions that contradict its responsibilities as an administrating power, to uphold one of the most fundamental principles of the United Nations Charter - the fundamental right of all peoples to be free, free from colonial rule. 

France has turned a deaf ear to untiring and peaceful calls of the indigenous people of Kanaky-New Caledonia and other pro-independence supporters for a new political process, founded on justice, peaceful dialogue and consensus and has demonstrated a continued inability and unwillingness to remain a neutral and trustworthy party under the Noumea Accord.
Today, on behalf of Pacific Churches and Civil Society we reiterate our collective concerns that we have made in a number of statements on the current situation in Kanaky.

Recalling these statements and on behalf of the Église Protestante de Kanaky Nouvelle-Calédonie, and the Pacific Regional Non-Governmental Organisation Alliance, the Pacific Conference of Churches calls:

1. For the immediate and unconditional withdrawal of the draft constitutional law seeking to unfreeze the local electorate roll. Noting that the Presidents of four other French overseas territories have called for the withdrawal of the voting changes;

2. On the French Government to reconsider, as an essential step to de-escalating tensions in the territory, any further deployment of armed forces to Kanaky;

3. On the French Presidency to cease any further attempts to enforce externally designed and controlled pathways to determine the political future of Kanaky, including a possible referendum in France to unfreeze the territory’s electorate roll;

4. On other parties to the Noumea Accord to heed the repeated and non-violent requests of the FLNKS and other pro-independence voices, over the last 2-3 years, to allow more conducive conditions for dialogue and negotiation for a better political agreement, and to give the process all the time necessary to do so; 

5.For the Pacific Islands Forum to establish an Eminent Persons Group, comprising of French, Pacific Islands and international personalities, in collaboration with the C24, as a matter of urgency to mediate between the parties and ensure the best conditions to enable a just and peaceful dialogue process for the territory’s political future; and finally, 

6. Beyond the political dialogue process, commitments to be made and kept for culturally appropriate community trauma healing for all communities in Kanaky and for community dialogue processes, particularly between Kanak and Caldoche for peacebuilding as well as nation building. 

The very fact that Kanaky New Caledonia is an agenda item in this meeting and that of the 4th Committee is a reminder that their decolonisation is a matter of ‘WHEN’, not ‘if’ – and a ‘when’ that needs to be sooner rather than later. 

May God’s blessings of justice, love and liberation be with all the people of Kanaky as they seek their own equality, liberty and fraternity. 

Oleti Atrqatr (Thank you in the Kanak Drehu dialect).

Presented by 
Rev. James Shri Bhagwan
General Secretary, Pacific Conference of Churches

Pacific Conference of Churches’ Statement on The Current Situation in Kanaky New Caledonia – 16 May, 2024
Statement by the Alliance of Pacific Solidarity Groups “Pacific groups call on the UN and Pacific Leaders to intervene in Kanaky-New Caledonia” – 20 May, 2024
Église Protestante de Kanaky Nouvelle-Calédonie Open letter to Mr Emmanuel Macron, President of the French Republic – 5 June, 2024
Statement by the Alliance of Pacific Solidarity Groups “Liberation, Not Repression: Macron Must Start Listening to the indigenous people of Kanaky-New Caledonia” - 5 June, 2024

Mali 🇲🇱 Had A University in the 1200 AD

Mali 🇲🇱  Had A  University in the 1200 AD that taught Astronomy, Geography, medicine, Mathematics and  so on....., Home of Mansa Musa,Richest Man in the History of Mankind!!!

Timbuktu in Mali 🇲🇱 is home to one of the World's oldest University, Sankore which had libraries filled with manuscript written in Ajama (African languages such as Hausa written in scripts in form of Arabic) in the 1200AD.

University of Sankore is believed to be built by Mansa Musa  the richest man in history. Subjects studied in the university included Geography, Astronomy, Medicine, Mathematics, Science and even history, despite the fact that history was never part of any teaching curriculum in the Islamic world at the time.

When Europeans, Moroccans and Asians begin visiting and Colonizing Mali in the 1300s to 1800s the Malians began hiding their Manuscripts in basement, attics and underground in fear of destruction or theft by foreigners.

In recent history many as 700,000 scripts had been rediscovered and is in modern and advanced mathematics. #africa 

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