
The Reactions at Dying moment

Luke 16:19-31
[24]“Then he cried and said, ‘Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus that he may dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue; for I am tormented in this flame.’

"Father Abraham have mercy on me...". This was the earnest prayer by the Richman in hell. While in agony being tormented in the flames, the Richman that Jesus Christ declined to addressed by name, he could see Abraham afar off with Lazarus. He cried, "have mercy on me, send Lazarus that he may dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue, for I am tormented in the flames"(v24). 

Infact, this reminds me to someone calling for water while on his dying bed and passed on into next life. He was an elderly cousin of my dad I visited while on his dying bed. He had not said a word or eaten anything for the last few days. Seeing me on arrival, the voiceless man called for water. Someone who was sitting next to him hurrily got the water container and lifted for the dying man to drink. After he drank the water, he passed away. I stood there helplessly, lost and confused. I was very young by then and didn't understand what was happening. 

In another occasion, one of my youth we hang out for ministry together was a asmatic patient. He love his God despite his condition. He also agreed to joined the team on our historical walk on Kokoda Trail. I saw it was a suicide so arrange him a ticket to fly from Kokoda to Port Moresby. We meet him after 3 days. After serving God for some more years, He was on his dying bed. He told those around him, "I now see the angels coming with their horses to get me home. Continue to serve God" and he passed on. 

With those personal experiences in life of one called for water before passing and the other with a smile openly confessed of angels coming for him, I come to terms with story of the Richman and the poor beggar Lazarus. There are some similarities I found. Have you ever seen a person dying? Did you see his facial reaction? If not, You can do your own fact check on a dying person. They will confess or their body reaction will indicate if they are heading to hell or heaven. 

One vital message I wish to share with you here, while in the after life world, the five senses will be very powerful and active. The Richman saw (seeing) Abraham and Lazarus, he was tormented (feeling). He called for water (tasting). He heard (hearing) Abraham responded from distance. Therefore,  while we are in this life, active and still breathing, let us serve the Lord God Almighty, the creator of the universe, the sustainer of life on Earth. It will be too late to find out later in the moment of passing on.

Lord God, give me the understanding to live this life in accordance to your word that you alone be glorified. Forgive me for all my wasted life and give me strength to live a life pleasing you in Jesus Christ. Amen.

David Paki 
WhatsApp +67579331828

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