


Hundreds of delegates and followers of the Lutheran Church have been challenged to look back on the foundations, rebuild and stabilize the progress of the work of God.

This was the challenge Head Bishop Rev. Jack Urame at the opening of the 33rd Evangelical Lutheran Church Synod in Port Moresby yesterday.
Synod is an important event in the Church’s calendar which allows for important laws and decisions of the Lutheran church to be made during the week.
Representatives from the Lutheran faith around the country came in numbers and colours to celebrate the event.
Among the delegates that attended the opening ceremony included important guests like Governor-General Sir Bob Dadae, Petroleum Minister, Kerenga Kua, Central Governor Robert Agarobe, Morobe Governor, Ginson Saonu and representatives from the Lutherans Church overseas.
Meantime, the ordination of the First Evangelical Lutheran Church Pastor for Papua District was also witnessed yesterday.
Pastor Lesley Iburi is a graduate of Abau in Central Province.
He was ordained and commissioned by ELC Head Bishop Rev. Dr Jack Urame in the presence of his family, pastors from the other 6 provinces in the Southern Region and participants of the 33rd ELC Synod.
Following his ordination and commissioning, his pastoral adornments were placed and handed to him to symbolise the start of his work in the Church.
The Synod continues today (Monday 10th January 2022) and will end on the 15th of January.
NBC News- Suzanne Kania
Pictures: Elcpng Synod 2022


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